Sunday, November 6, 2011

Life's Changes

Well here we are... Rob lost his job almost 2 weeks ago. Something about circulation numbers need to go up Blah... blah... blah... The newspaper industry needs to change because the world is changing. Circulation numbers are not going to go up... why pay and read the paper version when you have internet!!!! Especially when they take your circulation manager away. Who cares that you spent the last year rebuilding bridges in the community that the last Publisher spent 5 years burning. ANd those brides bring in advertising. OK enough venting, we knew that the newspaper industry needed to change and if the company wasn't willing to make the changes our family was going to have to. We were just expecting it on our terms not theirs. We do not know where God wants our lives to go from here? We are praying and waiting praying and waiting. Rob is filling out apps, sending resumes and having meetings to find a job. But everything is so unsure and I do not do well with that. just give me a plan any plan... OK God really instead I know you are teaching me patience. Some lessons are just not fun learning! I know that God has always provided for our family and will continue to do so. WE are just praying and waiting to see where God wants us next. It could be here which is fine with us. Just pray along with us, so that we are truly doing his will and not our own.

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